
We have created logos for over 800 companies using the crowdsourcing service Lancers.
For work requests, please feel free to contact us via [Inquiries].

We created the logo, character, etc. for Potapotaen.

Corporate Logo Creation for over 800 companies


A logo for a company that primarily engages in construction work for golf courses.
Based on the letters "A" and "G," the design evokes the image of a golf course green, the blue sky, and the trajectory of a golf ball, creating a sense of speed and heading toward the future.

K2 Engineering

The logo of a company that repairs internal combustion engines (large engines) for ships, factories, etc.
Designed with two simple "K"s with a mechanical image.
The design has excellent visibility and reproducibility, as well as a sense of credibility and professionalism.

Kamaken Co., Ltd.

The corporate logo of "Kamaken Kogyo Co., Ltd.", a steel structure construction company.
With "K" in mind, we learned the truth that hard, cold steel actually has a softness that can change into any shape.
A design expressed with flames.


Consulting/Coaching Office Logo Two Cs (CONSULTING COACHING) and
It is expressed with young leaves that represent growth and development.

Sakano Fisheries / Corporate Logo
Disinfectant/antibacterial agent brand logo
Twin Towers Sumitoshi Clinic logo

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